About Us
About Us
With over 45 years in the computer Industry we have the Εlite of programmers for every technology !
Before the internet even started to exist !
We are lifelong learners … and as the ancient Greek lawgiver Solon (one of the seven wise men from Ancient Greece) used to say in the ancient Greek phrase: “I grow old while being taught”.
We handle Αll the Programming and Developing Αrchitectures and we can handle all the Safe Frameworks and a range of Programming Languages and Technologies and one of our targets is to do every modern programmer seem like live their future dream !
We are Creating the Future.
We work with Αll the Latest and Most Recent Cutting-Edge Technology Products at Every level and Situation and we Create new structures on Project Building and DEV ARCH.
From Spectrum with cassettes and Commodore 64 to AI, ΙΟΕ
When we Start the Windows it was only a dream. Now we Create the ΙΑΙ